January's halfway over, can you believe it?
In our house, that means there are 2 birthdays coming up.
Cameron turns 39. My mama is coming to town to hang out with the kids so that he and I can go out for dinner. Besides that, there are a couple of gift ideas I have for him. I need to get a move on it!
Annabelle is almost 7. It goes by faster with the second kid and even faster now with the third. The last few years, I've made a special cake for the kids' birthdays. They tell me their dream cake, and I do my best to create it. Annabelle has told me a few things: it should be both chocolate and vanilla; it should be pink; and there should be a small version of both her AND Alexander on the top. I made a mini Annabelle last year, then Alexander wanted that for his birthday too, and now she wants that again. Maybe by the time they go off to college, I'll be a pro at fondant people.
Anyway, enough about my personal life. Here are some fun things you might enjoy:
I have started making an occasional small batch of cookies. I don't follow a recipe, but I want to share how I make them.
Did you ever have that Chef Boyardee Pizza Kit as a kid? My mama used to get it, and I loved it. Once I got older, I wanted to try making it at home, no kit. I found a recipe for a copycat version of the crust, but that blog doesn't exist anymore! So here's the recipe I use now, roughly based on that now-non-existent blog.
*If your yeast doesn't get foamy, there are a few things to do. Keep it in the fridge from now on. Try again with warmer or cooler water. If you've got a meat or candy thermometer, you're aiming for 110-115F. If you do not have one, you can feel it with your finger. It should be like bath water; if it's too hot to keep your finger in it for more than a couple seconds, it's too hot. If it's more lukewarm than warm, add some more hot water. After a while, it becomes easy to tell! One more thing? It could be that the room is not warm enough! Wait a little longer, cover the bowl, stick the bowl in a warm place - try changing the environment too! And if none of that works, it could just be that your yeast has gone bad.
I've been practicing guitar!
Cameron got himself a guitar around Christmas, but I'm the one who has been playing it. I started by figuring out some main chords, and now I look up songs that I like and try to play them. So many songs have chords that are too hard for me. I find songs that use the main ones I know: C, G, D, Em, Am, F, and a few others - I know 'em when I see 'em.
There's an app called Tabs that has chords for tons of songs. It's also got a section called Shots where you can upload a video of yourself playing an instrument and/or singing, and people can scroll through as if it's Reels or TikTok! You can get feedback and followers if you'd like. I'm just trying to improve; hopefully that feedback will be helpful to me. Hey you never know, maybe I'll become a breakout music star in my 40s 😄
For what it's worth, these are not sponsored or paid ads or anything. They are things I like and want to tell you about! (If a link goes to Amazon, it's an affiliate link!)
In October, Cameron was asked to speak at a conference in Nashville. He was going to go alone, but last minute, we all decided to go with him. It was 8-9 hours driving, but we stayed 8 days. The first few days, I was going with the kids to different places while he was at the conference. Then there were a few days when we got to do some things together. Anyway, we LOVED it. Nashville did not disappoint; and honestly there was so much we did not get to do.
At one point, a man on a party bus saw me wearing Charlie in the ring sling and loudly said, "Who brings a baby to Nashville!?" Thing is, Nashville has been family friendly for much longer than it's been a party town (it isn't a party town now, but you can find that vibe if you're looking for it!). The party buses (and tractors and barges...) are a new addition. And most of the city is really great for kids.
In the next month, there's another conference in Nashville that Cameron wants to attend. So who knows, we may be going back to Nashville pretty soon! If I remember, I'll put together my list of suggestions: what we did, what we planned to do but didn't, and what other people suggested to me.
I recently decided to take a stand on one little thing. It isn't big at all, but it will help me make certain viewing decisions.
There are literally thousands of excellent movies that are currently streaming on all the platforms.
There are thousands of excellent TV shows streaming.
We've got most of the streaming services you can get, so there's no shortage of options when it comes to what to watch.
I've decided that, unless something is excellent, I'm not going to finish watching it. I'm not going to waste my time watching something mediocre when there are so so many great options out there!
Peacock is probably my favorite these days. It's got The Office, which is what we turn on if we just want something familiar. It's got Dateline, which is what I like to watch every Saturday when they drop a new episode. And it's got a ton of movies too.
Here are a few things we've enjoyed recently on Netflix:
Unfortunately, Hulu and Peacock and the others do not have a "recently watched" or "viewing history" section, at least nothing I could find!
This week we learned about Martin Luther King Jr.
One story we read (watched, actually) was Pies From Nowhere. It is the story of Georgia Gilmore. During the Montgomery Bus Boycott, she started cooking for people and selling her food. She used those profits to help the cause; she raised enough money to buy one of the station wagons that black people (who were not riding the buses) were able to use to get where they needed to go.
I thought that was a really powerful story. She was a cook, a baker, and she used that to help an important cause!
I think I'd like to start sending these out some more! I stopped for a while, but I think I'll pick them back up again.
If there's something specific you'd like me to include in these, do let me know. I've got a hundred things I could include, but a lot of it I'm already posting to Instagram stories. That overlap doesn't seem like a good use of newsletter space, but I am not the reader/viewer. So please let me know if you'd like to see something specific here or if it's fine how it is!
If you’d like to check out old emails, click here!
As always, I love getting replies from you. It can be a note about your day, what you’ve been enjoying lately or what you’ve been struggling with, how I can pray for you, what you’d like to see in a future newsletter, anything! So feel free to hit that “reply” button.
Tip Jar! If you find my emails helpful and would like to leave me a "tip" you can do that here! I also just love hearing from you. 😊Have a great day!
Mostly on IG stories! Louisiana, cooking, DIY, homeschool mom to 7yo 👦🏼, 5yo 👧🏼, and baby boy, wife, Jesus follower ❤️ 🏡
Well hello there! If you follow me on Instagram stories, you might be up to speed on what's been going on with us. No matter what, though, here are some 2022 highlights for you: We took a lot of trips this year: Houston TX, 3 nights Broken Bow OK, 3 nights New Orleans LA, 5-6 nights Baton Rouge LA, 3 nights Branson MO, 4-5 nights Nashville TN, 8 nights Hot Springs AR, 2 nights We did some home projects but nothing too crazy this year. We turned our guest room (in the shop) into a kids'...
Hey friend! I know it's been a while since I last wrote. Soooo hi! First of all, how have you been? I can't believe it's already March - this year is flying by. I feel like as I get older, the years just go by so much faster. When I look back at high school for example, those 4 years felt like a lifetime! Second, here are a few tiny updates: The makeup class I'm teaching is going really well. I've got 3 girls, and they have more (and nicer) makeup than I do! They really get into each look...
Happy New Year! This morning on Facebook I shared a "9 month" post for Charlie. Cameron came in a little later for lunch and asked me when Charlie was born because he was pretty sure it was the 14th, but I had posted on the 12th. (face palm) So Charlie's almost 9 months old, folks. How do people with huge families possibly keep track of it all? 😂 New fridge and a walk-in pantry We got a new fridge! Ours was only a few years old, but about once a month it completely froze over on the back...